What’s The Best Way to Avoid Nuclear War? – Reader Submission

The following piece, written by Peter Huessy, first appeared on Warrior Maven, a Military Content Group member website.

In 1984, Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick scorched the Democratic Party for always “blaming America first” for the problems in the world. The American people took to her charge and voted fifty states to one to re-elect President Ronald Reagan.

Five years later, the USSR collapsed, all of Eastern Europe joined the free world, and freedom appeared to be on the march. In the Americas, by 1991, every nation had a near democratic government, with the exceptions of Haiti and Cuba.

Fast forward to 2024, now forty years later, the Ambassador could now give that speech, but instead of talking just about the leftist part of the Democratic Party, she could be describing conservative members of the CATO Institute.

In a September 12 essay, Doug Bandow, a CATO Senior Fellow,  writes that the United States has to avoid and not fight future nuclear wars but that to do so, the United States has to recognize the wars that might reach its shores are being kindled by US foreign interventions. In short, America is the real bad guy in this narrative.

Most importantly, the US is guilty of pursuing “global primacy.”

In the Middle East, we gave weapons to Israel that were used for the “brutal destruction” of Gaza, and thus, in retaliation, the Houthis in Yemen attacked commercial shipping in response.