Navy SEAL Sniper Head Instructor, Brandon Webb, on Why the 12-Gauge Shotgun with High Powered Light is the Ultimate Home Defense Weapon – Brandon Webb

There’s a lot of hype out there about tactical home defense—laser sights, high-tech optics, and enough accessories to turn your gun into an Ikea basket full of stuff you don’t need.

And don’t get me started on all the Rex Kwan Do types out there hawking tactical techniques like a bum offering financial advice, short on substance and experience…

When it comes down to the real world, where adrenaline kicks in, and your vision narrows to a tunnel, all you need is a no-frills 12-gauge shotgun with a high-powered tactical light strapped to it.

Forget the gadgets. Forget the tech. I’ve seen enough chaos in the SEAL Teams and in the real world to know that when things go sideways, simplicity wins every time.

The beauty of a 12-gauge is that it’s forgiving. You don’t have to be an expert marksman to make it count.

In a high-stress situation, you’re not trying to thread a needle or land a SEAL sniper’s headshot. You’re just trying to stop the threat, and a shotgun does that with brutal efficiency.

The spread from buckshot at close range is like clubbing a baby fur seal—there’s no precision needed, just point and squeeze.

Now, let’s talk about the light. If you can afford it, get a SureFire, they make the best.