From F-35s to FA/XX: The Navy’s Leap Into the 6th Generation of Air Dominance – Aaron Anderson

Naval Aviation

Naval Aviation has a high-priority 6th Generation Fighter Program, too, not to be confused with the Air Force Next Generation Air Dominance Program in the works. With the F-35s becoming operational in a rapidly changing world and increased tensions in the Pacific, the FA/XX is in development phases as we look to a more hostile world.

Playing Catch up in Engineering, Research, and Development After F-18 and F-35 Programs

The F-18 platform replaced the F-14 fleet in the early 2000s, and the F-18 is still the backbone of naval aviation. The F-35 B and C models are the 5th Generation addition to the Naval Aviation Portfolio. The operational phases of the F35 are in their infancy. The Marines use the STOVL variation of the F-35, while the Navy uses the F-35 Carrier variation.

Naval Aviation development received less attention and consequentially less funding due to the Global War on Terrorism.  The F-14 hit a grand slam and deterred the Soviet Union for its life span and truly demonstrated Naval Aviation Air Superiority.  The F-18 program followed, yet it lost some functionality in the areas of Intercept and Air Superiority without near-peer threats.  The F18 comprises the majority of the Naval Aviation Portfolio, although the portfolio is transitioning.  The F-35 B and C models are becoming operational.  The focus of Naval Aviation Research, Development, and Acquisition is on the 6th Generation FA/XX program.

Loyal Wingmen Concepts are Evolving, Freeing Up Functionality Enhancements for the FA/XX

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Drones have caused a lot of buzz and inspiration in the world of loyal wingmen.  Both the Air Force and Navy mention loyal wingmen in some capacity, but there are different characteristics for Naval and Air Force unmanned wingmen.  By nature, the loyal wingmen are attritable or rather disposable to some extent.  There are current requirements, attributes, and cost variables associated with various types of loyal wingmen.  The Air Force has the option of using more fixed runways to retrieve the wingmen, yet the Naval wingmen may have to return to a moving and rocking landing strip.  The Navy, therefore, has additional challenges, as their wingmen may have a higher ratio of disposable fire and forget wingmen with fewer retrievable drones.  The F35’s unmatched awareness and sensor fusion may better fit controlling the loyal wingmen as it may potentially prove with the Air Force.

The Navy has the opportunity to hit another grand slam with the FA/XX program.  The requirements and attributes may also change from what was initially planned.  The Air Force’s digital engineering, research, and development showed what is possible by rapidly bringing to reality a prototype at lightning speed.  Like the NGAD program, the loyal wingman concept and execution may better be carried out by the F-35 B and C models than the FA/XX.  This gives Naval Aviation the opportunity to make the FA/XX more lethal and technologically advanced than its original vision.

FA/XX: The Most Important Development Program in Military Aviation

If the programs can better utilize the F-35 in areas like the loyal wingmen, this frees up the FA/XX for other functionality.  The vast distances and potential threats globally in Naval Aviation create great engineering mountains to climb.  The Air Force NGAD program is pausing and looking at its program as it reviews its portfolio and current needs.  I’m sure the Navy is also doing the same, and the FA/XX may look different than originally intended.

Current Affairs have extreme demands on the Navy for Air Superiority in their Aviation Portfolio.  With 4th, 5th, and 6th Generation Naval Aviation Programs in the works, there is truly low-hanging fruit for the Navy to leverage and exploit in the FA/XX program.  By tasking the F-35 Bs and Cs with a higher percentage of loyal wingman duties, the FA/XX may reshape into a more lethal air superiority platform.  In my opinion, range and speed are more important for the FA/XX with the reshuffling of functionality for F18s and F35s.  I expect the FA/XX will develop into a more air superiority and interceptor role than coordinator of loyal wingmen.  The challenges facing Naval research and development are great, yet the Navy is stepping up to the plate with a weighted bat.

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