When SEALs Meet Samurai: Why Navy SEALs Wouldn’t Survive Feudal Japan in FX’s Shogun – Brandon Webb

FX’s Shogun is a brutal, beautiful beast of a show, dripping with all the blood and honor you’d expect from a tale of samurai swords and feudal Japan.

Watching it as a former SEAL, I couldn’t help but think: “Man, if one of us got zapped back in time to this mess, we’d be nothing more than minced sushi for these katana-wielding psychopaths.”

And here’s why:

Samurai Discipline vs. Navy SEAL Instinct

Let’s get one thing straight. SEALs are trained to adapt, improvise, and survive, but samurai discipline is a whole different ballgame. These guys spent their entire lives perfecting the art of war, not just a few hellish months in BUD/S. We’re talking about generations of honor-bound murderers who lived by the blade and died by the blade. A SEAL dropped into the Edo period would last as long as a Kardashian at a MENSA meeting.

The samurai would see right through our modern tactics—stealth and deception would be met with a clean slice through the guts.

Weapons and the Weight of Tradition

Sure, SEALs are badasses with hand-to-hand but a lot of this training also involves weapons (integrated into combat), but take away our H&K MP5, cool gadgets, NVGs, and drones, and what are we left with? An Emerson folding knife and a whole lot of attitude.

Now, pit that against a samurai who’s been perfecting his swordsmanship since before your grandpa was a twinkle in his grandpa’s eye. Even if you managed to go mano-a-mano, a samurai would carve you up faster than a Tokyo sushi chef on speed.