Project Dynamo Is ‘Boots on the Ground in the Middle East To Help Americans in Need – Reader Submission

The Growing Rejection of War Amid Global Tensions

As part of Operation Galilee Wind, Project Dynamo has landed in the Israel/Lebanon region, and as our team traveled across the globe to come to the assistance of our fellow Americans and other allies in their time of need, it was impossible not to notice in train stations, ports, and airports that there is a generalized, unspoken, yet palpable growing rejection of the possibility of war, especially in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the likelihood of a high-intensity conflict that could drag several nations into it keeps growing by the day.

It is widely known now that many countries are asking their citizens to evacuate Israel and Lebanon because of the possibility of attacks and all-out violence. Most importantly, several world powers, including the United States, have started mobilizing military assets around and into the region. As much as this should work as a deterrent on its own, this show of force must be accompanied by assertive and coherent diplomacy that communicates in unequivocal terms that the consequences (diplomatic, economic, political, technological, and social) against those provoking an armed conflict will be devastating, not for their countries, but immediately for their leaders.

Vigilance and Commitment in an Increasingly Volatile World

Unfortunately, the civil unrest and violent mayhem being brought upon countries like England, France, Spain, and others by thousands of migrants, who are being manipulated and weaponized by a powerful group of vicious, victimized globalist zealots, could cause a generalized xenophobic effect against people and religions from the Middle East. For example, it is undeniable that the violent spawns of the globalist left, such as Antifa, which wreaked havoc in several cities in the United States and Europe a couple of years ago, eventually derived their anti-capitalist narrative and violent outbursts into antisemitism. In the very near future, we could witness a similar effect, but against Arab Muslims, mainly in Europe and the United States. Those manipulating these armies of poor migrants (“the weaponization of those in need” – Duarte, M., 2018) seem to be unaware that their political projects could eventually result in a worldwide religious war and, with that, the end of the world as we know it.

With all the unrest that keeps brewing around the world, there is an urgent need for capable, willing, and determined individuals to remain vigilant of what the enemies of peaceful coexistence are willing to provoke around the world. More so, in an ever-growing globalized world, when violence, unrest, and war descend upon a place, those willing to go where no one else goes for the sake of their fellow humans need to be at the ready and more determined than ever.

Our nation, the United States of America, dispatches more missionaries, doctors, nurses, aid workers, and businesspeople than any other country in the world, most of them for selfless reasons, others to build a better future for themselves and others. Regardless of where their mission in life takes them, they can be sure that there is a team of equally committed Americans, the men and women of PROJECT DYNAMO, with one mission: No American Gets Left Behind. Anywhere in the world, in the grey space where an American is in danger, we will come for you, and we will bring you home.

It is imperative that Americans understand, assimilate, and accept that there are powers and global interests determined to destroy the spirit and self-love of the United States. It is equally important that we rise above the fray and continue to demonstrate why our country is still the main destination of the vast majority of world migrants and still the country that sends more aid and helps more people around the world, even more so than other major countries and all religions combined.

About The Author

Mario “MAD” Duarte

Mario Duarte is the President and CEO of Project DYNAMO and is an internationally recognized intelligence, national security, and crisis management expert with more than 25 years of experience.

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