Introducing Smith & Wesson Revolver Frames – Cameron Curtis

Revolvers and Semi-Automatic Pistols

When I was growing up, I was introduced to two pistols. My grandfather’s and uncle’s service 1911s, and my dad’s Smith & Wesson Model 53 revolver in the unusual Remington .22 Jet Magnum caliber. It fired an odd cartridge that looked more like that of an M-16 rifle. Nothing like the blunt .45 ACP. For some reason, I gravitated to 1911s. They were worn and scuffed, and I can’t explain the attraction. Go figure.

However. Over time, I found that revolvers were pretty cool too. Dirty Harry came to the theaters, and who couldn’t help being awed by that big .44? My dad said, “You’ll never use that,” but I watched every movie in that franchise. More than once. When Magnum Force came out, the stars were the S&W Model 29 and the Colt Pythons the bad guys carried.

Since then, the military and law enforcement have given up on revolvers, and everybody seems to be into pistols out of gun-foo movies. There are, however, reasons to own and shoot revolvers. I have gone on a bit of a revolver kick and will write a series about these pistols over the next few weeks. I’ll keep it mostly to the Smiths and Colts, but might stray here and there. There’s still a big market out there for revolvers, and they have strong advocates.

This will be an introductory article. I’ll go through the different Smith & Wesson frame sizes and the kinds of revolvers one might encounter. It’ll form the basis for some of the other pieces I’ll write later on.

Smith & Wesson Frame Sizes

Browse Smith & Wesson revolvers, and you’ll find they’re described as .38 caliber J-frames, .357 Magnum N-Frames, .38 Special K-frames, .50 caliber X-frames, and so on. You’ll want to buy a vowel, the choice is so bewildering.

In simple terms, these designations refer to the size of the pistol. A lot has to do with the size of the “window” into which the cylinder fits. Heavy-caliber rounds are bigger and require a larger window. By the same token, more rounds make for a bigger cylinder, and that requires a larger frame.

There are more subtle issues. A more powerful round produces more recoil. A heavier pistol with a larger frame will better absorb that recoil.