Former Delta Force Operator Describes the Counter-Human Trafficking Operations of Deliver Fund – George E. Hand IV

“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”
– William Wilberforce

“Deliver Fund is a nonprofit, private intelligence firm that disrupts human trafficking markets by providing intelligence and specialized analytics about human trafficking activities to law enforcement authorities.”
– Deliver Fund founder Nic McKinley

DeliverFund is a nonprofit organization founded back in 2014 by Nic McKinley (a former Air Force Pararescueman and CIA officer) and Jeremy Mahugh (a former Navy SEAL sniper). 


Participation over the last year with a this entity that is greater than me for the past year now, this Deliver Fund, has helped me not only to better define my own role in the organization, but has afforded me the good grace to define the essence of the organization as well.

Founder Nic McKinley preparing for night surveillance operation.

That said, one year ago if you were to ask me what is Deliver Fund, I would have had to refer you to, or vomit the organizational mission statement onto your lap. Text book answer, that. After a year of some of the most absurdly heinous baptism of fire, of trial and error, of ‘should-hit’ and ‘did-hit’ cognitive judo… I can actually tell you in my own words what Deliver Fund is, and, perhaps more importantly, what Deliver Fund is NOT!

I just flipped a quarter in the air; heads I start with is, tails I start with is NOT. =catch… SLAP=
Heads it is…