What Really IS Being Prepared? How Your Attitude is Everything

5.11 has a saying, “Always Be Ready” and they offer a great number of items that will help you in so many ways.  The idea that even if it’s 0200 Tuesday morning in a normally sleepy Wal Mart parking lot, when someone is in trouble you’re going to be ready and able to respond.  Been there, done that, no T-shirt.  But the mantra is more than just having every gadget and item necessary for every situation, it’s about a mindset and attitude, and that’s the most important part of being prepared.

Someone once said, “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet” and I’d agree with that, just look at what’s happening to Hezbollah.  Someone was prepared to take advantage when an opportunity presented itself and in so doing they sent a big message.

What Am I Talking About?

How does that translate into preparation, I mean what is mental preparation?  I’ve written before about being prepared and my thoughts on ways to survive extreme weather as well.  I have supplies of various things and I have plans, multiple plans because the minute it gets real, your first plan is often no longer relevant, that’s being prepared.  Applying Maslow’s Hierarchy to preparedness means we need ready and available food, shelter, and clothing.  At the same time, practicality says you need that for everyone in your family for an extended period of time.

Food, TP, and Cleaning Supplies, All Neatly Organized and Stored

If you have supplies, food and Shelter then how do you keep and protect them?  Hide or be part of a large and strong group, both have pros and cons but someone will have to be trained on how to employ weapons effectively.  The longer your extreme situation goes, the greater the number of people who will need those skills and they should practice ahead of time, should.  I see many groups that go out and shoot, they practice some survival skills and then they go home the same day.  Others build elaborate shelters with power and water filtration.  In the end though, I wonder about both those types because they are missing the most important part of preparedness.

Preppers and Survivalists Come in ALL Types

Attitude Really IS Everything

I worry about the state of our country and the world but I don’t worry so much about my ability to mentally deal with whatever happens. I’m a survivor, I know what kind of attitude it takes and I know the mental strain and stress that kind of situation will be on people, but I’m prepared for that.  Think about people who have lost everything after a hurricane and there’s no services to their area because the hurricane tore the roads and bridges up, how do they survive?  Many don’t recover mentally because they aren’t prepared for that type of loss.

When the President Visits Your Neighborhood, Something Big Happened

To me that’s the one real thing you need, that’s what you need before anything else.  If you have that kind of attitude, being prepared is already a part of your life.  I seek training on skills I don’t have, I make my wife do that too.  You should have heard her the first time we were outside late one night and I said “I want to teach you how to walk and see at night”!!   I’ve found innovative ways to train my family and I’ve learned what it’s like to train other people who aren’t mentally prepared.  I talk about fear and how it motivates people and how it’s a powerful weapon for groups who are prepared to take advantage of opportunity and cause us grave damage.

What I’m really mentally ready for is leading/pushing/dragging and kicking people through situations they are uncomfortable with.  If you have that attitude it means you already have needed items stored and ready for use, you don’t run to Wal Mart for water, toilet paper and beer when the words hurricane and Gulf are in the same sentence, and you’ve practiced somehow and someway for different situations.  All of this gives you the biggest advantage, confidence.

The Quiet Inner Strength From Having the Right Attitude

Military life taught me many things but the greatest one is the importance of having the proper attitude.  Having supplies, educating yourself and your family, making plans, being flexible are all important, but without the proper mindset you’re at a disadvantage before you even start.  Always Be Ready.

Garfield out.

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