How Trump Can Host Safe Outdoor Rallies Like the Pope: A Game-Changing Security Solution – Brandon Webb

“Secret Service encourages Trump campaign to stop outdoor rallies.” -The Washington Post

The recent suggestion by the Secret Service that Trump not hold outdoor rallies is stupid is, as stupid does. Kinda like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Being outdoors allow leaders to connect directly with the people, energize their base, and communicate their vision.

For former President Donald Trump, rallies have always been a key part of his strategy. However, with the increasing concerns over security, it’s time to think outside the box Navy SEAL style—or rather, outside the traditional security protocols.

The Pope’s Solution: A Model for Presidential Security

Enter the Popemobile. The Pope, a global religious leader with a high profile, often travels in a specially designed vehicle that offers both visibility and protection. The Popemobile is an armored, bulletproof vehicle with clear glass walls that allow the Pope to engage with the public while maintaining a high level of security.

Why can’t we adapt a similar approach for former President Trump’s rallies?

A clear bulletproof speaking shield at the podium, kinda like Biden’s teleprompter but bulletproof!

Enhanced Security

Mobile stages equipped with bulletproof barriers and reinforced structures could be used. These stages would provide 360-degree protection without compromising the visibility or the experience of the attendees.

By doing a better job selecting outdoor spaces the security team and limit and cover any long distance shot angles and by controlling the access points and using advanced screening technologies, security teams can ensure that any potential threats are neutralized before getting anywhere near the stage.

Utilizing drone surveillance for real-time monitoring of the crowd can help identify and respond to threats quickly. This technology, combined with AI-driven analytics, can provide an additional layer of security.

Better communications plan with local police. One police representative with comms to the Secret Service team would have prevented that last shooting debacle. I talk about this in my last article on the attempted Trump assassination.

Learning from the past…

The tragic shootings of Presidents Kennedy and Reagan remind us of the vulnerabilities that come with public appearances. These events were pivotal moments in our history, and they highlighted the need for better security measures. By adopting innovative solutions like the ones mentioned above, we can prevent similar incidents in the future.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Our mantra in the SEAL Teams was always, work smarter, not harder.

Adapting proven solutions like the Pope’s for presidential rallies is a smart, practical approach to ensuring safety without sacrificing the energy and engagement that make these events so powerful.

Former President Trump has always been about breaking the mold and doing things differently. Why should his approach to security be any different?

Stay safe, stay smart.

Disclaimer: SOFREP utilizes AI for image generation and article research. Occasionally, it’s like handing a chimpanzee the keys to your liquor cabinet. It’s not always perfect and if a mistake is made, we own up to it full stop. In a world where information comes at us in tidal waves, it is an important tool that helps us sift through the brass for live rounds.