Undersea Deterrence: Pentagon Bases Virginia-Attack Submarine in Guam – Reader Submission

The following piece, written by Jim Morris, first appeared on Warrior Maven, a Military Content Group member website.

The United States has taken another step in its strategic buildup in the Pacific as it seeks to counter China.

For the first time, a Virginia-class nuclear-powered fast-attack submarine will be homeported in Guam, the site of one of the US Navy’s largest ammunition and fuel storage facilities in the region. The USS Minnesota (SSN-783) arrived in Guam last November 26.

“The security environment in the Indo-Pacific requires that the US Navy station the most capable units forward,” the Navy said in a press release. “This posture allows flexibility for maritime and joint force operations, with forward-deployed units ready to rapidly respond to deter aggression and promote a peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.”

The Minnesota was commissioned eleven years ago. It was the tenth Virginia-class submarine, the Navy’s next-gen sub, which was designed to replace Los Angeles-class submarines as they were taken out of service. There are currently four Los Angeles-class submarines based in Guam.

Guam is a crucial outpost for US power projection in the Indo-Pacific – it’s the country’s westernmost Pacific island territory and is closer to Beijing than to Hawaii. That puts it within striking distance of a number of Chinese military bases, including some in the South China Sea.

The US is in the midst of a military buildup on Guam, which includes $10 billion in construction projects through 2028. In 2023, the Marines opened a new base there that will eventually house 4,000 Marines.