DroneShield Releases 4Q24 Firmware Updates – Eric G

DroneShield (“DroneShield” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce it has released the latest update to its full range of Radio Frequency (RF) sensors including the RfPatrol, DroneSentry-X and RfOne models.

This update adds new drone models and communication protocols which can be identified by RFAI, including new types of home-made or non-commercial UxS. RF devices operate with greater stability and accuracy resulting in faster, more reliable drone detection.

New features include:

Faster Scanning with AI: Detection scans are now 17% faster, so users are notified of drones sooner and kept up to date in near-real-time. Settings can be configured to further optimise scan time based on mission requirements

New Drone Types: RFAI drone library has been expanded to recognise more signals which are used in custom and aftermarket drones

Growing API: Each device’s inbuilt gRPC API extends to cover greater control of positioning systems. Disruption protocols are faster and more regular, providing dependability when it matters most

Cybersecurity Resilience: Onboard firmware has seen a slew of security improvements in line with expectations from leading defence clients

AI & Software Improvements: Increased accuracy in direction-finding calculations, as well as future-proofing features for upcoming performance improvements in 2025

Angus Bean, DroneShield Chief Technology Officer, commented, “DroneShield always aims to provide our customers with industry-leading technology so they can maintain the highest degree of safety and security in the face of an evolving drone threat.”

For more information on product capabilities, visit www.droneshield.com.